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Northampton, United Kingdom
Welcome to my Blog. I set this up after realising I spend far too much time updating my Facebook status and living in hope that one day a celeb will reply to one of my Tweets. So if you like reality TV, makeup, short story ideas, magazines, chocolate and the occasional gym class, then this is the blog for you. Now get that tea brewing, grab a couple of digestives and let yourself escape into my world...you never know, you might like it here!

Thought of the day...

"The best time for new beginnings is now..."

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Petrol rant!

The title says it all.....

This evening has very much been like every one this week. Got home from work, went to the gym, cooked dinner and settled down to watch some TV, only to remember tonight I need to fill up my car with petrol. If it were any other night, I wouldn’t be worried as I would just give myself extra time before work to do it, but thanks to the clowns in our Government, all drivers in the UK have been forced into panic buying due to an impending fuel strike which hasn’t even been set yet.

I usually fill up at my local supermarket, but walking past there earlier and seeing the queue, I was soon put off. The annoying thing is, I genuinely need to fill up my car and was actually contemplating walking to work tomorrow because of this situation. It was only after talking about it with my housemate that he made me realise at 10pm on a Thursday night, I am probably in a better position to get some without the need of sitting and waiting to fill up, and wasting what petrol I did have left in the meantime.

I have just been to the closest petrol station to my house and was happy to find all 6 pumps were free. I have to admit, I did feel a little smug when I drove in and parked my car but that soon changed when I saw the cost of unleaded: 149.9p per litre. Are you kidding me? I feel like I am being robbed! When the shop keeper told me there were queues from 6am to 8.30pm today, I felt even angrier because I can’t help but think we are being made mugs of, especially after hearing the ridiculously high increase in fuel sales yesterday. I can just picture the big wigs resting back in their chairs and laughing at us right now!

Further to my annoyance at this unnecessary alarm, I was outraged to hear that the Cabinet Minster has advised additional spending by encouraging us to fill up jerrycans as a precaution and store them at home! How irresponsible can you get? I thought these people are meant to be intelligent. I think as a country we need to do a “Lord Sugar” and fire them all!

Part of me hopes there will be a strike now only so we can justify spending more money than has been necessary over the last few days, but something tells me we will soon be hearing the situation has been settled and the panic can now end. Either way, I hope our Prime Minister is ready to answer some questions, because it’s very easy to open a can of worms, but it’s not so easy to close it again!

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