About Me

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Northampton, United Kingdom
Welcome to my Blog. I set this up after realising I spend far too much time updating my Facebook status and living in hope that one day a celeb will reply to one of my Tweets. So if you like reality TV, makeup, short story ideas, magazines, chocolate and the occasional gym class, then this is the blog for you. Now get that tea brewing, grab a couple of digestives and let yourself escape into my world...you never know, you might like it here!

Thought of the day...

"The best time for new beginnings is now..."

Thursday, 26 February 2015

A Brit of an incident....

Whether you watched the Brit Awards or not last night, you will have no doubt heard all the gossip by now after an unfortunate error of judgement that caused quite an incident on stage...and no, I'm not talking about Kim Kardashian's inability to take a selfie! 

Yes, that's right, I am infact referring to 'that' incident which saw Pop sensation Madonna tumble off stage in a way a child would throw their barbie or action man over their shoulder when having a tantrum!

Despite being in shock at what I saw, I could see it all unravelling before my eyes when I noticed her struggling to untie her cape but I never imagined that it really would happen. Oh and when the music stopped I thought it was all over.

As if I hadn't been cringing enough already what with awful interaction with the celebs presenting awards and Taylor Swift head banging to Kanye's not so family-friendly performance of...hang on, what was it called again? I didn't catch it amongst all the muting!

Madonna handled it in such admirable style though and went on to do a great performance.

I took to Facebook last night and updated my status with a little dedication to her myself. Ive been a fan of hers ever since I was given 'True Blue' on cassette tape so despite a few giggles (sorry!) I think I redeemed myself.

I hadn't planned to put it on here but I've had some great feedback from it so I thought, why not!

In honour of Madonna: (look, I'm a poet and I don't know it! #FacePalm)

Madonna, you weren't such a lucky Star tonight after falling thanks to wearing too much material girl, but it's ok Pappa, don't preach, she lived to tell the secret! I think it's safe to say it's going to be Borderline whether that dancer keeps his job after that error. My theory is he'll be Hung Up for causing all that Commotion in such a Spotlight, but in true style, Madonna, you still went on to Express Yourself. I can't imagine What it feels like for a girl to come back after 20 years for a Celebration only for you to nearly Die another Day. You carried on though and the Music was delivered to all us Beautiful Stangers and that's the Ray of Light we all love about you!

Saturday, 21 February 2015


This week the nation came together in unison to find out the answer to the one question we have all been waiting so long to find out: Who killed Lucy?

That's right, BBC1 have enriched our lives with a weeks worth of partially live Eastenders episodes leading up to that fateful moment where Lucy's time of earth came to a tragic end, finally revealing who her murderer was.

It's been the talk of the last 10 months which has seen no end of conspiracy theories come to light, bets and public debates taking place, but on Thursday night, the truth came out and we were all witness to find not only did half of Walford attack Lucy on that fateful night, but the person responsible for ending it all was infact, her half brother, Bobby.

Initially, I was a little bit disappointed when it was revealed, mainly because I literally had money on it being Abi, (imagine my excitement at the end of Monday's episode when Max told her that Lauren knows!) but I think it was more because I didn't want to believe that an innocent 10 year old could do something like that...to his sister. I know, I know, kids do bad things too!

My next thought was how on earth did they get the body from the lounge to the common? Now that is where my brain started ticking over. I knew we'd find out, but all of yesterday I was thinking how gruesome it must have been and even concocted the scene myself which saw Jane putting Lucy's body into bin bags, wrapping her in an old carpet; rushing over to the car lot to steal one of Max's cars while devil child Bobby threatened her to hurry up and keep 'er maaaath shu'! Followed by the struggle to dump her body in the boot of the car, screech off out of the square, look shady as they drive past a few random police cars, then turn off the car lights and slowly roll into the common dumping the body before finding an incinerator to burn the evidence. Finally leaving Jane and Bobby breaking down in each others arms as she and tells him she'll protect 'im and deal with Ian!

It didn't exactly go that way though, however, there were elements to it as we found out on the full live show on Friday (the body in the boot and Jane telling Bobby not to worry!) but I have to admit, of all episodes this week, I was completely taken with Friday's.

Watching the truth unravel was always going to be compelling, but seeing it happen live made it all the more real, and what an episode it was. I sat in utter silence and was in floods of tears by the time the credits came up. Even this morning as I write this, my heart feels sad as I think of Ian's face when he realises the truth. Oh, and that note. Those heart breaking words "I want to tell you how much you mean to me and I want to tell you how much I love you. Don't forget Dad, wake me up". Such cruel irony.

I have to hand it to them though, they pulled it off and I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. Well done Eastenders...you got me!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Happy Valentines Day

I'm writing this post with a lot of love inside me because today is Valentines Day. The day where we can acknowledge how much we love the people in our lives, and also the day where people moan about how annoying it is to be single and how over commercialised it is...something I always get a little bit annoyed with.

I'm single, yet think Valentines Day should be about telling people how much you love them. I know there's the argument that you can do that any day of the year blah blah blah, but when you look at how much evil there is in the world these days, it's nice that for one day we can all publically unite and show that, actually, there can be love too.

So whether you are celebrating with a quiet night in front of the TV, partying in town, a romantic weekend away, doing some DIY, or maybe you're exceeding it all and getting married, I hope you have a lovely Valentines Day.

Have fun, enjoy it, don't be negative, don't get depressed; it's Saturday after all! Oh, and for those who do think it's over commercialised, I have one word for you....Christmas!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Out and About

It seems my last blog went down really well as I've been receiving some great feedback on my story idea. Lots of comments on both Facebook and Twitter encouraging me to write it in full so have decided I'm going to give it a go. Not sure if it will end up as a short story or a full on novel, but watch this space....

I'm also back on the running now since my virus has finally decided to rid itself from me! I can't tell you what a relief it's been to feel 'normal' again! I'm not sure my legs will agree though as they are feeling very heavy and achy but I'm determined to power through it. They'll thank me when they're looking toned! If anyone has any tips for novice runners I'd really appreciate it. I'm still very much trying to battle through the fear of 'I can't do it' at the moment and although I'm doing it, that thought is very much lingering at the back of my mind.

I guess focus and determination are key...