It’s that time of the year again, isn’t it? You know what I mean. That time when a nice afternoon trip into town involves fighting amongst the crowds of people scrambling around as they begin their preparations for the big day. You can’t go anywhere without seeing family tins of chocolate on offer, or the novalty socks and ties that Dad’s think are hilarious to wear to work, all displayed so proudly just waiting to be bought. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t usually sound this pessamistic, but really, let’s enjoy halloween and bon fire night before we jump on board Santa’s sleigh and “ho ho ho” our way towards the end of the year.
I probably didn’t do myself any favours as my doomed visit at the weekend was tainted by the effects of the four bottles of fish polluted wine I drank the night before which, on reflection, were clouding my overall mind, body and soul function that day. Even my attempt to make chocolate caramel cornflake cakes resulted in a melted plastic bowl and a kitchen floor covered in crushed cereal. That was a great one to explain to the new housemates! I did stop to watch a group of dancers dressed as zombies reinacting Michael Jackson’s Thriller though, but that was probably because I felt more at home amongst their dark eyes, crazy hair and fuzzy head movements than anything else.
I’m sure some time over the next nine weeks I’ll get caught up and swept along with the rush and excitement, but for now when I go shopping again, I really would appreciate it if people would just get out of my way!
love your writing style :) hilarious to read - get out of my wayyy lol xx