About Me

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Northampton, United Kingdom
Welcome to my Blog. I set this up after realising I spend far too much time updating my Facebook status and living in hope that one day a celeb will reply to one of my Tweets. So if you like reality TV, makeup, short story ideas, magazines, chocolate and the occasional gym class, then this is the blog for you. Now get that tea brewing, grab a couple of digestives and let yourself escape into my world...you never know, you might like it here!

Thought of the day...

"The best time for new beginnings is now..."

Monday, 25 June 2012


This is a silly poem I made up today in honour of my housemate, Miss Chelsey Howe who is the world's biggest chocoholic, and for myself, who is dreaming of the day when real chocolate won't make you fat, no matter how much you eat!

Chocolate by Tanya Shirley

Chocolate is just lovely
I eat it everyday.
I really wish i didn't, but
the cravings always stay.

Chocolate on my cereal
Chocolate for my lunch.
And when it's time for dinner, I
think you have a hunch!

I cannot stop, I always think
Of chocolate all the time.
I wish I didn't do this, but
oh look, a yummy Daim!

I often wish I didn't eat
chocolate everyday,
'cause maybe then, the pounds I've gained
Will simply fade away!

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Get over it, Tanya!

Multi tasking seems to be something I’m good at. I can easily juggle five different tasks at work with confidence despite by head feeling muddled, I can handle tidying the house whilst keeping up to date with what’s going on in Eastenders and I can even dry my hair and do my makeup at the same time (true fact even if I do look like a clown afterwards!)  However, I have noticed lately that when my life gets taken over by one thing, I somehow manage to lose focus on everything else, and by that I mean my diet.

With a recent promotion giving me a step up the career ladder, I have been thrown into a brand new role, which after spending nearly seven years in my previous job, has been a bit of a shock to my system but I have been putting all my energy into learning and getting settled and neglecting the focus I had with my diet and realise now I need to do something about that now before I undo all my hard work. Whilst talking to my sister about it last night she said ‘only you can do something about it’ and she’s so right. It was a matter of fact comment which has stuck on my head ever since. It’s easy to lose track and spiral into a whirlwind of self pity when you’re having a bad day, but I should be looking at the bigger picture. I’ve been promoted so why am I feeling so sorry for myself? I realise there is always going to be learning curves in a new job but I seriously need to stop putting myself under so much pressure and just go with it instead of using it as an excuse to comfort eat and step off the diet wagon. I know it’s easier said than done, especially if you’re like me and turn to food with any emotion you go through, but at least I have acknowledged what I am doing and that’s got to be a good start, don’t you think?

With that in mind, I woke up this morning and did an intensive 30 minute session on the cross trainer, watched The Biggest Loser and Fat Families on TV and I suddenly feel like I’m back in the game and it feels good. I've got a lot going for me at the moment so as of now I’m giving myself a well deserved talking to and pulling myself together. I’m back people so let’s get this party started!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

An appeal....

Sometimes being single can be tiring. Going to bed alone, waking up with nobody to kiss you good morning, drifting through your day worrying about things and not having someone at the end of the phone to tell you to stop over reacting and to calm down. It’s tough being on your own. People always seem to ask me why I don’t have a boyfriend. I wish I knew the answer because then maybe I can shine some light on why I am still single. I don’t think I’m all bad. I know I can be a bit down on myself at times, but everyone goes through phases like that. I’m not a bad person; I’m caring, sensitive, look out for my friends and family. I can cook. Surely I have potential? So why can’t I seem to find myself a nice man?

I have perhaps been over analysing this weekend and am probably starting to sound sad and desperate, but what’s wrong with wanting to curl up to someone at the end of the day sharing a bottle of wine and watching crappy TV? Nothing! The big question is, where do I find said man? All of my friends seem to have managed it, so why can’t I? I’m not that bad am I? Maybe I need to enlist the help of my friends and get them to do the dirty work for me. Maybe I need to step away from the situation and let someone else take control and see what happens. Now there’s an idea!

So this is me putting myself out there asking for some help! Friends, if you are reading this, do me favour because being single sucks!

Much Love! xx

Monday, 4 June 2012

God Save The Queen

This weekend has seen a significant event in British history, marking the Diamond Jubilee of our Queen’s 60 year reign as Monarch and the people of Great Britain are rejoicing after being given an extra day’s holiday to celebrate!

As a country, we perhaps don’t have the best reputation when it comes to underage drinking, corrupted media and even the weather, but what we do have is a great understanding of comedy, a love of music and sport, and if there is one thing we Brits know what to do best, its party!

More than 1.2 million spectators gathered in London yesterday to watch the flotilla where the Queen made her way down the River Thames on a Royal barge along with 1000 other boats to commemorate her time on the throne. For those who couldn’t make it to the Capital, took to the streets to hold their own parties, indulging in pimms and lemonade, enjoying picnics and even listening to live music in local pubs. With towns and cities laden with Union Jack bunting there has been an exciting atmosphere surrounding us and despite the disappointing pour down of rain, it hasn’t stopped anyone having a good time. The country is covered with flags, novelty memorabilia, fancy dress and a lot of people wearing red, white and blue!

People have sung, danced and toasted the Queen and once again, we have enjoyed every minute of it. There has been an atmosphere so inviting and electric, we have proven to the world that Britain is a good country and so are the people who live here. We have united today and I am proud to be British, and that my friends, is why we are so great!