About Me

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Northampton, United Kingdom
Welcome to my Blog. I set this up after realising I spend far too much time updating my Facebook status and living in hope that one day a celeb will reply to one of my Tweets. So if you like reality TV, makeup, short story ideas, magazines, chocolate and the occasional gym class, then this is the blog for you. Now get that tea brewing, grab a couple of digestives and let yourself escape into my world...you never know, you might like it here!

Thought of the day...

"The best time for new beginnings is now..."

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

An appeal....

Sometimes being single can be tiring. Going to bed alone, waking up with nobody to kiss you good morning, drifting through your day worrying about things and not having someone at the end of the phone to tell you to stop over reacting and to calm down. It’s tough being on your own. People always seem to ask me why I don’t have a boyfriend. I wish I knew the answer because then maybe I can shine some light on why I am still single. I don’t think I’m all bad. I know I can be a bit down on myself at times, but everyone goes through phases like that. I’m not a bad person; I’m caring, sensitive, look out for my friends and family. I can cook. Surely I have potential? So why can’t I seem to find myself a nice man?

I have perhaps been over analysing this weekend and am probably starting to sound sad and desperate, but what’s wrong with wanting to curl up to someone at the end of the day sharing a bottle of wine and watching crappy TV? Nothing! The big question is, where do I find said man? All of my friends seem to have managed it, so why can’t I? I’m not that bad am I? Maybe I need to enlist the help of my friends and get them to do the dirty work for me. Maybe I need to step away from the situation and let someone else take control and see what happens. Now there’s an idea!

So this is me putting myself out there asking for some help! Friends, if you are reading this, do me favour because being single sucks!

Much Love! xx


  1. I feel like I could have written this myself! This is exactly how I feel quite a lot - constantly asked why I am single - if I knew the answer to that, maybe I wouldn't be! lol

  2. I think perhaps we need to stop asking the question and let the answer come to us? It's frustrating though isn't it!
