About Me

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Northampton, United Kingdom
Welcome to my Blog. I set this up after realising I spend far too much time updating my Facebook status and living in hope that one day a celeb will reply to one of my Tweets. So if you like reality TV, makeup, short story ideas, magazines, chocolate and the occasional gym class, then this is the blog for you. Now get that tea brewing, grab a couple of digestives and let yourself escape into my world...you never know, you might like it here!

Thought of the day...

"The best time for new beginnings is now..."

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Food for thought

If you have recently embarked on a new healthy lifestyle or are looking for hearty meal ideas, then an online publication created by Northampton based fitness enthusiast, Andrew Haigh may be just what you need. His Real Results Cookbook allows you to choose from a delicious range of breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas without the need to count calories, do any tedious tracking or follow unrealistic fad diets.

A personal trainer for over 3 years, Andrew has worked with a variety of people of all ages, shapes and sizes, and understands the difficulties faced when adopting a new healthy lifestyle. A common trait amongst his clients is their struggle to lose weight, not due to lack of exercise, but more through the food choices they are making.

With this in mind, he has spent time creating a collection of 90 different meal ideas for you to follow either as a fat loss programme, for inspiration to get back on course for better eating, or simply to vary your already healthy lifestyle. Each meal has been designed to be easy to prepare and cook, and most importantly emphasise that good food can be tasty.

With a selection of hot and cold recipes for each meal you’ll be spoilt for choice. So whether you fancy a quick fruit smoothie or pancakes to start your day, a warming soup or tasty stir fry for lunch ending with a delicious curry or even a succulent burger and chips for dinner, this book will have your mouth watering at every page.

You can purchase Andrew’s book through PayPal at a cost of £11.99 by clicking on the link below:

To find out more about Andrew’s personal training, you can find him on both Facebook and Twitter:



Sunday, 14 October 2012


Here is another attempt at a 99 word flash fiction story. Enjoy!



She sat there with black stained tears streaming down her face clutching a crumpled tissue in her hand. Walking up to her I was overcome with sadness as she looked so vulnerable and alone. She saw me but looked away putting her hands into her coat pocket as if warning me off. I stopped, but something inside told me to continue.

In those few seconds of asking if she was ok, she looked up at me and smiled, took her hand out of her pocket and before I had a chance to register, it was over.

She shot herself.

Monday, 8 October 2012

I Love the Cake!

If you have a sweet tooth like me and are a fan of all things cute and yummy, then look no further, because tucked away in a kitchen somewhere in the middle of Northampton is a young lady by the name of Jenny hard at work baking a delicious array of cupcakes that are taking the locals by storm.

Setting up her own business in 2010, Jen’s artistic flair has enabled her to create a selection of cakes tailor made to your requirements. Already a favourite at weddings, birthdays and craft fairs, these delicious cups of heaven are proving to be very popular and you will soon find yourself falling in love with them.

Flavours include Vanilla and Chocolate, Peanut butter and jam or Rocky Road and that’s just to name a few. She is open to all suggestions and is happy to make an order to your preference and they are guaranteed to have your mouth watering and will be a big hit whatever your choice.

Available in boxes of 6 upwards and with prices starting from £1.20 a cake, you will be a fool not try one. So whether you have a special occasion coming up, want to go all out for a One Direction birthday party, or just fancy and naughty treat with your favourite cuppa, then give these cakes a go. You will not be disappointed!

If you would like a quote, or want to find out more, you can contact Jen on Facebook and Twitter:



Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Before I started my blog, I used to scribble things down in a note book that my Dad bought for me from a trade show at the NEC Birmingham in 1995 (yes, I am that sad I noted it in the cover!). At the time, I wasn't writing as much as I do now, but whenever I did, I always copied it into this book. Every now and again I like to read it, sometimes I laugh at what I have written and other times I cringe, but after reading some of the words of James McInerney this evening on Facebook (check out his poems, they're amazing), he reminded me of something I wrote during an English Lecture at university and I've decided to share it with you.

I'm not sure where I got the inspiration to write this, especially as I was taking notes on Lord Byron at the time, but somewhere in that lecture on 18th May 2000, my thoughts changed from 18th Century poets to something very different. I hope you like it!


Let me into your world to feel the things you do,
Never sit and wonder how life could have been when it has already happened.
Reflections upon life are all about learning and growing
into a person where we can control what we do.
But even so, when we are at our peak of controllment in life,
mistakes can still be made, fears can still be seen, insecurities are inevitable.

So this world you are in is similar to mine,
Therefore, we must join to become one,
to help each other through life
and to die, to be reborn again, to show others that
the whole of our living process is a learning one.