About Me

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Northampton, United Kingdom
Welcome to my Blog. I set this up after realising I spend far too much time updating my Facebook status and living in hope that one day a celeb will reply to one of my Tweets. So if you like reality TV, makeup, short story ideas, magazines, chocolate and the occasional gym class, then this is the blog for you. Now get that tea brewing, grab a couple of digestives and let yourself escape into my world...you never know, you might like it here!

Thought of the day...

"The best time for new beginnings is now..."

Thursday, 26 January 2012

The heeling process

I’ve done some stupid things in my time, but doing an Aerobics class in heels has to be up there with daft and ridiculous, right? Wrong! Apparently it’s the way forward for us girl to help tone those calves, maintain a good posture and look sexy in the process! It appears the days of jogging bottoms, t-shirts and trainers are out and 6 inch stilettos, hot pants and cropped tops are in.

I thought my eyes were deceiving me after watching this weeks edition of “Fat Fighters” which showed a class of women looking more like they were about to appear on a music video for Eric Prydz than doing an intense cardio vascular workout. Don’t get me wrong; I’m all for finding a fun way to exercise, but seriously, heels? That’s an accident claims advert waiting to happen.

Dancing is great when you’re intoxicated with Vodka and in the middle of a club convinced you’re moving like Britney Spears but choosing to exercise in heels in a studio full of mirrors with nothing other than water as your dutch courage would just spell disaster for me. The fact I can barely walk in them as it is makes me think I’d more than likely end up in A&E with a broken ankle comforting myself with chocolate than shedding the pounds and earning the sleek body that programme promises.

I’m not sure I’ll be rushing to take part in one of these classes, but as I’m that person who is easily sucked in by such crazes, it looks like I’ll soon be digging out my heels and hoping for the best….perhaps I should stock up on the chocolate while I can!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

I dreamed a dream

Last night I had a dream….no, I’m not trying to impersonate the great Martin Luther King….I genuinely did have a dream, and a weird one at that! I was driving down a narrow country road in a VW Beetle and all around me were tall bushy trees. It was late at night and I wasn’t sure where I was going, but all of a sudden a wave of road signs started floating past me. I don’t recollect all of them, but I distinctly remember seeing white arrows pointing in different directions. There were also town names passing by but I couldn’t read what they said. As I continued along my route, the road was getting narrower and more signs were appearing. I didn’t feel scared though, but I do remember thinking I have absolutely no idea where I was.

It’s quite easy for me to interpret what it means, especially as I’m trying to create changes for myself this year, but what struck me was how calm and happy I was and at one point I was even laughing. Change doesn’t scare me, infact I actually quite like it, but the last twelve months have been infuriating for me because the plans I made didn’t happen the way I wanted. I ended 2011 feeling as though I was fighting a losing battle with myself which had an impact on my ability to get things done as I had lost all focus and enthusiasm. However, this dream has been going round in my head all day, randomly accompanied by the lyrics to “The Sign” by Ace of Base which is a bonus because I actually forgot how much I love that song! The more I think about it all though, the more content I feel.

Whether anything comes from this remains to be seen, but I do think perhaps the powers that be are trying to tell me something about my choices and whatever challenges I face this year, I’ll be able to deal with them with ease. Either that or someone’s questioning my taste in music!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

What's love got to do with it?

Nat King Cole once sang "When I fall in love it will be forever, or I'll never fall in love...." and that is a statement I strongly agree with. So imagine my shock after watching a recent documentary about a community of polygamists in the USA showing one man with three wives and a wife-to-be surviving in this mind blowing environment.

As I discovered what life is like as a polygamist I found myself confused and even angry that people live this way. To me, love is about giving your heart and soul completely to one person, opening up to share your thoughts and feelings, working through the good and bad, and creating memories for you both to cherish. Yet watching this programme forced me to question why, and how, a man would want to commit lifelong to more than one woman for any other reason than massaging his ego, and why a woman would want to share her husband. How can you create the intimacy and trust you find amongst two people in this situation?

Listening to the wives discuss their pain after learning their husband had found his fourth wife was almost comical and I couldn't help but think they were deluding themselves. This maybe a lifestyle they are accustomed to but neither of the women seemed fully comfortable with their husband bed hopping and splitting his week between them all. The first wife, whom he had been married to for 20 years sat quietly as the other ladies discussed, or in my book, justified, the reasoning behind this existence, yet her eyes told a bigger story. They looked dark and sad and when she did speak, she was timid. 

The wife-to-be discussed how she felt like an outsider to his wives because they were uncomfortable with her invading their home, yet she was still happy to discuss wedding plans and moving into the shared home with her two children from a previous marriage. I’ve always believed binding yourself in Holy Matrimony doesn't open doors to allowing your man to marry again, not unless you divorce him first! I want a man who will love me and only me, not spend his week split between numerous women. That fantasy can remain in his dreams!

Then of course there are children to consider. What does this teach them about love and creating stable relationships? Love is confusing enough as it is, let alone in this situation. Although the teenagers on this documentary accepted it (as one would growing up in such an environment), the eldest girl admitted she would only ever marry one man, proving that deep down she is uncomfortable with it, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

I am perplexed that this lifestyle really exists. It seems so alien to me and I felt uncomfortable watching the struggles these people were faced with and how they are working on accepting one another. It doesn’t seem real and part of me wishes it wasn’t because it felt awkward and wrong. I may not be an expert when it comes to love but I do know this, if my future husband thinks he can have his cake and eat it, he can think again!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Beauty at its best

Fish Hoek Beach, Cape Town, South Africa
There's something special about sitting on Fish Hoek beach on a perfect summer's day. Situated in False Bay, Cape Town, this small valley populates approximately 10,000 people, often noted as "God's waiting room" by the locals due to the high number of retired people living here. However, there is one treasure to this town and that is the beach. Approximately 1.5km long, the flat, curved sands boasts a beautiful cat walk, known as Jager's Walk, for those looking to take sanctury in a more sheltered area but still with a perfect sea view. The beach holds a thriving cafe and is protected by life guards with their tower found next to the local surf club.

View of the beach from the Cat Walk

When the "south easter" wind blows or "pumps', hold onto your hats because you soon know about it! This doesn't deter people from visiting though, yet on a day when there is no wind, everyone will be found at this picturesque haven.


Sitting on the golden sands watching the crystal blue waves gently washing to shore, as the morning sun glistens down parading what looks like thousands of speckled diamonds, I find myself transfixed on the beauty that surrounds me. The distant mountains are so clear you could almost mistake them for a backdrop to a movie set. Children scream in delight as they chase the waves on the sea edge realising the water is colder than anticipated. Parents help to build sand castles and passers by are found eating ice cream which is soon melting in the heat. Couples walk their dogs hand in hand, runners are keeping up with their fitness routines and a helicopter circles above watching over the swimmers.

Although this beach has been victim of a number of shark attacks, with two in the last year, it is difficult to imagine this calm and tranquil environment being intruded with such monstrosity. Shark warnings are displayed by two flags at either end of the beach, with a board indicating what they mean at the car park entrance. Today I see a green flag therefore spotting conditions are good and you can understand why because the ocean is so clear.

Houses on the mountainside over looking the beach are popular for both locals and holiday makers

Even the sky looks perfect. There isn't a cloud to be found which is uncommon here, especially with the surrounding mountains. The pure blue blossoms down amongst us comforted by the warm African sun reflecting it's beauty onto the sea. Boats pass by on the horizon whilst canoeists, wind surfers and boogie borders enjoy the water.

Taking this all in, I lie back on my beach towel, put my headphones in my ears and relax into the scene. This is a perfect moment and to me, is Cape Town at it's finest.