About Me

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Northampton, United Kingdom
Welcome to my Blog. I set this up after realising I spend far too much time updating my Facebook status and living in hope that one day a celeb will reply to one of my Tweets. So if you like reality TV, makeup, short story ideas, magazines, chocolate and the occasional gym class, then this is the blog for you. Now get that tea brewing, grab a couple of digestives and let yourself escape into my world...you never know, you might like it here!

Thought of the day...

"The best time for new beginnings is now..."

Monday, 22 April 2013

Pop goes my heart

There’s no denying it, I’m a pop music fan through and through. Ever since my Granny and Grandad bought me Five Star “Silk & Steel” on cassette tape in 1987, my path into cheesy music was set. It wasn’t long before I was singing into my hairbrush in front on the mirror to Kylie Minogue, Debbie Gibson, Madonna, Tiffany and The Bangles whilst lining my bedroom wall with posters of Jason Donovan and Jon Bon Jovi. Since then, I have been blessed with memories surrounding some amazingly bad, but at the same time, ridiculously happy songs that are a guilty pleasure to many: Ace of Base, Roxette, East 17, Vengaboys…even Ant and Dec! 
My journey through pop over the years has perhaps at times, been a little cringe worthy and embarrassing, but there’s no doubt about it, this kind of music makes me happy and when we’re plagued with such awful stories in the news every day, it’s nice to escape into my bubble of cheese and wrap myself up in my pop blanket to forget about everything else going on around me.  
These songs have contributed to some happy times in my life and even now I can’t help but get over excited whenever I hear 5ive, Westlife, Take That or Backstreet Boys being played. Even the more mainstream pop (and my mainstream I’m talking the kind of songs where you don’t feel compelled to close the window of your car when you’re out in public) such as Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Rihanna, Olly Murs and Michael Jackson all have pride of place in my heart. 
There is one band though, who without a doubt, top my own pop chart and are my ultimate favourite defying the odds with every song they have released – even the ones on their albums which perhaps not everyone knows – because each one is a guaranteed crowd pleaser and always manages to make me smile, and that is the amazing McFly. Now I know I am entering dangerous territory here because 1) they are a band and 2) not everyone labels them as pop, but to me, they are Kings of pop, but with that something extra special because not only can they write their own material, they produce it, sing it and even play their own instruments. Plus they can sing live and they are fit (especially Danny!).  
I was lucky enough to go and see them live on their Memory Lane tour at the 02 Academy in Birmingham on Saturday night with my sister and brother’s fiancĂ© and it was one of the best nights out I’ve had. I love them, in fact I love everything about them! They were amazing and every song had me smiling, even the sad ones! Not only did they sound incredible, but they looked so hot! I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again now, there’s nothing better than seeing a fit man in a good suit, and when that man can sing and play the guitar whilst in that suit, you have a crazed out 32 year old swooning like a little girl all over again, especially when it comes to Danny Jones. I could listen to him sing all day and I just fall in love with him more and more every time I hear his voice! (Did I mention I think he’s fit?)  
It’s not just the songs that I love, but the memories I have from listening to their music. Driving around Cape Town with my sister in our blue Corsa singing at the top of our lungs to Memory Lane, I’ll be OK and Five Colours In Her Hair or getting ready for a night out and listening to It’s All About You, Star Girl and Obviously made Saturday even better because they were singing all of these classics. (The two-for-one cocktails consumed at Las Iguana’s before hand probably contributed also!)
The best thing about McFly day was the majority of the audience were the same age as me, making it fully acceptable to be acting like a crazy teenager. We even witnessed a guy propose to his girlfriend on stage which was so romantic, although he may have his work cut out when it comes to considering his wedding speech now!  
You have to admit, pop music is fun. Ok, so the lyrics may not be life changing, and may not top the most influential music of all time, but you have to applaud those who create it. They know their audience, they understand what pop is about and I have no doubt it will be around forever!

Now is a good time

I saw the new Magners Cider advert for the first time today and really liked the poem so thought I would share it on here....

Now is a good time

When yesterday’s gone and tomorrow is near
Why look for a thing when it’s already here?
And tell me you never once asked yourself how
Some people end up in the middle of the now.

Now is the beat of the feet on the floor
Now is the then we were all waiting for
It’s the strike of the luck
It’s the go with the flow
It’s the sharing the love with the people we know.

See a wise fool once said kind of out of the blue
That life is a dream that’s already come true.
It’s the less of the what, of the where and the how
It’s more of the you, of the me and the now.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

A dedication to my friends and family...

There are times in my life where I wish I could make everything better for the people I care about. I know that’s impossible but sometimes I just wish I had a magic wand to put things right. Making decisions and changes can be tough, and seeing people I care about so much go through the trauma and anxiety surrounding them is at times, heart breaking.

I am fortunate enough to have a lot of happiness in my own life at present, but there is a lot sadness, upset and change going on for my close friends and family, making me realise that life is an unpredictable abundance of emotion. That’s not to say we shouldn’t treasure it though. In fact even in the darkest of times, life has an incredible way of shining through to help us deal with these feelings so that when we can see clearly, our journey can continue with focus and positivity.

What I’m really trying to say here is to those I know and love who are in that place now, remember this: my arms are always free for cuddles, my phone is always on, my door is always open and my fridge is always full of wine!

I love you all xxx

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Eggcellent Easter!

So Easter has been and gone and if you have managed to maintain a healthy weekend I salute you. If however, you are like me and have over indulged in chocolate and hot cross buns, drank your way through an immense amount of Vodka, Jagermeister and Tequila, fought your way through a hangover and survived on very little sleep, I have ultimate respect! But that’s what bank holiday’s are for aren’t they? Or am I just making excuses again? Either way, it’s been a great weekend. Lots of time spent with my family, chilling out, live music, dancing, posing for photos (oh come on, we all do it!) and watching lots of rubbish TV.  

I would however, go as far as asking myself whether Easter actually happened because it went that quickly, only the evidence concludes it did given the empty egg boxes and chocolate wrappers bulging out of my rubbish bin this morning! The depressing thing is I’ve been on Easter countdown for weeks now purely for the mini break that comes with it, but ending up at work on Good Friday to clear the backlog (and before you ask, I volunteered) did throw me a little. That’s not to say I didn’t have a good time though, I just wish I could rewind and enjoy it all little bit more. Oh well, there’s plenty more weekends like that in store and between you and me, I can’t wait!