This year saw me face the biggest challenge I have ever set myself. I walked 26.2 miles during the night to raise money for Cancer Research, and despite the 10 hours it took me to complete, I did it. I have never been a natural athlete and was always the last to be chosen for teams in PE and even to this day, I don’t really enjoy exercise, but I know it’s something I need to do to help me lose weight and stay healthy.
On a good week, I’ll go to the gym 3 or 4 times and my routine will consist of spinning, body combat, cardio and weight training with the occasional swim. I’ve tried the alternative route with Yoga and Pilates, but realised very quickly I have no balance and if this were something to consider full time, I would need to enrol in a beginners class rather than try and compete with the regulars who have obviously been doing it for years. One class I do enjoy is Zumba, but even that has lost its appeal lately. Perhaps it the time of year, or perhaps I’m just using that as an excuse!
Walking however is something I’ve always enjoyed. I used to walk to and from school everyday unitl I had to get the bus because of the distance, so instead I walked in the evenings. I had my routine and as long as I had music to listen to, I was happy. Even when I ventured into full time work, I went by foot. I remember the day I got the 1 hour hike down to 40 minutes and the feeling of satisfaction I had for achieving that goal was incredible.

The day of the event arrived and I was feeling quite apprehensive but also excited. I had my camelbak ready to keep me hydrated and along with 10,000 other people including my aunty and cousin, we began. The first few miles took longer than anticipated and I wasn’t achieving my target 15 minute mile, purely because of the number of people in front of us. We gradually started to overtake though and picked up pace which soon got my adrenalin pumping.

Soon enough we were into the last 5 miles and it dawned on me how quiet London was despite the amount of people around me, but I realised it was because we all felt the same – exhausted. There was a strange eerie feeling surrounding us, almost like we were Zombies walking through the City. When we realised we were on the last mile, relief began to pour down my cheeks. I was desperately looking for the finish line but it seemed to take so long to reach. When I got there, I cannot tell you how thankful I was. People were cheering us, taking photos and we were given a medal to acknowledge the achievement, but it was all a blur. I needed to lie down and sleep, and it wasn’t long before I was doing that in the back of the car going home.
“Never again” is what I said to myself when I finished that walk, especially as I couldn’t function properly for a couple of days, but thankfully the training I did prior to the event meant my recovery was quick. It’s now two months later and despite the pain I endured, am considering doing it again next year. I have already registered my interest but whether I do it remains to be seen. Either way this has without a doubt been an eye opening experience. There were some extraordinary people taking part that night, some who had lost friends and relatives to cancer, and some who were suffering or recovering from the disease and that is what kept me going. On reflection, I have learnt I am a lot stronger physically and mentally than I thought and despite telling myself I will never be good at sports, I know now I am. I may not be able to catch a tennis ball or jump over hurdles without falling on my bum, but I can walk a marathon and that is something I will always be proud of.
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